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What is the cause of the dark circle under the eyes?

People often attribute dark circles to tiredness and lack of sleep. The dark circles under the eyes can appear purple or blue to dark brown or black, depending on the color of the skin. In some cases, the dark circle under your eyes may indicate the need for lifestyle changes, such as improving your sleep habits and diet.

Causes and risk factors 

Black circles have several risk factors and there are many dark circle removal treatments one can use. The most common risks of black circles include: 

Elderly: Loss of adipose tissue and thinning of the skin around the eyes are part of the aging process. These changes make dark circles more visible in the elderly. Tear channels are holes under the eyes that can cause dark circles and are associated with aging.

Non-white ethnicity: Dark circles are more common in dark-skinned people and affect more colored people than whites. This risk factor is believed to be due to changes in pigmentation.

Genetics: Dark circles can be hereditary. Studies have shown that if someone has a dark circle under their eyes, they also appear in other families.


If home remedies do not help in dark circle removal treatment, you can seek treatment advice from your doctor or dermatologist.

The medical options are:

Topical cream

Whitening cream helps reduce hyperpigmentation. These include:

  • Hydroquinone
  • Tretinoin
  • Combination of both

Cosic acid

Anecdotal reports indicate that cosic acid is effective in treating black circles. Kosic acid is a natural product derived from two types of fungi. However, it is important to know that the side effects of cosic acid can include contact dermatitis and redness of the skin.

Azelaic acid

People can use Azelaic acid to treat hyperpigmentation under the eyes, and it is safe to use for long periods of time.

Local vitamin C

The study examined the effect of 10% Vitamin C lotion on the treatment of dark circles for 6 months. The lotion is effective in brightening the darkness under the eyes.

Chemical stripping

Chemical peels that use alpha-hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid, help reduce hyperpigmentation under the eyes.

People can also use chemical skins in combination with topical creams for better effects.


Less invasive laser procedures such as diode lasers and pulsed dye lasers can reduce the risk of scarring and other possible side effects.


If you have thin skin, lost adipose tissue, and black circles under your eyes, fillers may be an option.


The area under the eyes is very delicate, and people always need to discuss possible side effects. Also, only certified dermatologists should ensure that medical procedures are performed in this area.

Also read: Cosmetic dermatology an integral part of dermatology


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